This is the big announcement
Looking at how we get through hard times shouldn't be relegated to this newsletter or a podcast interview. It's time to open up a forum for candid conversations to help you find your strength (POW!)
Origin story
Before I get to the big announcement, let me tell you a story.
Those of you who follow me on social media or know me personally know that I used IVF to help conceive my daughter. As anyone familiar with the medical process knows, it’s a lot. Every stage is precarious with ovulation timings, uterine check ups, self-administered medications that have extremely specific directions and timings, not to mention sharp, self-inflicted needles.
Using medical technology to facilitate successful contraception—in whatever way, IUI, IVF, genetic testing, etc.—is a lot. A lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of process and, mostly, a lot of stress. And then there are the emotions and hopes and dreams.
So, a lot a lot a lot.
And even in *the best* situations, IVF still only has a 50% chance of working.
WHAT?! (she screamed inside)
(Notice as my old friends, Stress and Anxiety enter stage left just to hover over me.)
Fertility issues and treatments wreak havoc physically, emotionally and mentally. AND YET, the only way to even get close to a successful transfer1, is to actively work to decrease stress…without getting stressed about the stress. You see how this could lead to a black hole of anxiety.
So, since stress can prevent a successful transfer, my fertility clinic provided weekly, ongoing meetings for women going through their program. (Of course these calls were never at the “right” time in the evening, and I could have skipped them, but I was always grateful when I didn’t.)
Our host was a generous meditation guide, a woman experienced with holding space for others in pain. She guided us through a different stress-reduction technique every week—like, movement, journaling, essential oils, meditation, etc. This was nice, but it wasn’t even the part that helped me the most.
It was the casual check-ins at the beginning of the meetings that stuck with me.
At the beginning of each meeting, our leader asked if anyone wanted to share how they were doing and what was going on. It felt good to share; to express frustration, stress and grief to a group also feeling the weight of these words.
But with time I realized what helped me more than sharing my own moments of stress was the process of listening to the frustration, stress and grief of others. Some days it made my own tribulations feel quite small.
Because a fertility journey is so different and is based on highly specific, individual health circumstances, the “ups” and precipitous “downs” of the others in the group were different in ways I didn’t even anticipate. Hearing what they were going through helped me get way out of my own head and circumstance. Because, at the end of the day, I’m a wee mammal who sometimes often forgets to look beyond her own heart, but knows it’s refreshing for my spirit when I do. I left these calls with an appreciation for my own situation and for the unforeseen support of strangers.
Which brings me to today
Speaking of the unforeseen support of strangers…
As I mentioned earlier this week, Fierce Resilience is becoming a bit more dynamic in a way I know some of you will be really excited about.
(I say “I know” because I workshopped this idea with a few of the folks in this community and they are already very encouraging. So, yay.)
In addition to the regular newsletters and the new podcasts:
Fierce Resilience will now have monthly meet ups!
AND 1-on-1 personalized sessions!
Wait? What does that mean?
Every month, I’ll host a live zoom/ virtual meet up to provide space for us to come together. We’ll start with a check-in to see how we’re all doing, followed by a conversation around empowering topics, and even a guided meditation.
What I foresee being the Biggest Cool Thing about this will be the connection to other likeminded, kindhearted humans.
To keep the space conducive to vulnerability and trust, these monthly live zoom session are available to paid subscribers. More on what Paid encompasses is lower down in the post. (Spoiler: it’s just $5 to join one of the monthly sessions.)
Some topics (I can’t wait for these chats!):
Then we’ll have some guided conversation on a certain topic, like, say: a time you were really proud of yourself, a time you shifted your perception into a more empowered state, and—what I anticipate being a fan favorite even for the skeptics—manifestation. (said with spirit fingers waving!)
I’ll announce the topic of the month ahead of time so you can decide if you want to join (Free subscribers can choose to join standalone sessions and then cancel if they don’t want ongoing participation).
The next newsletter will also include information about our first meet-up!
Tell me more about the 1-on-1 option
For Founding Subscribers (a different tier of paid subscribers) I’ll provide a “Resilience Recharge,” which is a 1-on-1 session so we can talk through and tackle a tough situation life might be serving up. Or if you prefer, we can also use the time for a guided meditation and some energy resetting. Or a mix of the two! It’s a choose your own adventure.
These offerings are so exciting for me because they’re similar to the groups I hosted ten years ago as a meditation guide, when I created a Meditation Masterclass to help my meditators find their strength. But in this case, it’s not just about me leading, it’s *us* coming together to create something much larger.
It’s going to be cool.
Of course this will be small and intimate to start, but who knows how it could grow in the years to come. Buckle up, and let’s freaking go.
I want to help as many people as possible remember that they are goddamn miracles
(that’s YOU, you’re a freaking miracle!)
Here’s the recap
Here’s what’s NOT changing in Fierce Resilience:
Free Subscribers will continue to receive so much good stuff! Two newsletters a month on finding our strength + access to full archive and podcast episodes available through the newsletter but also on Spotify.
Here’s what’s NEW in Fierce Resilience:
Depending on subscription level2, Paid subscribers will have access to live, virtual meet ups and/or a 1-on-1 session. I know from my experience in the wellness world that sessions like this are often quite expensive but I want to keep this really accessible. (If you want to join but cannot afford it, please reach out to me directly. I don’t want this to be prohibitive for anyone.)
ALSO, there’s a no-cost way to be a Paid Subscriber: Rewards! If you share this newsletter with others who sign up, you can earn 1, 3, or 6 free month subscriptions. It will look like this:
Run through those details, one more time
Paid Monthly or Annual Subscribers get access to:
Everything that’s already free, plus
A monthly group zoom (40 mins - 1 hour) that includes a check-in to see how everyone is doing, guided conversation on finding our strength & guided meditation
In the future: access to a private community chat in Substack
Founding-Level Subscribers get access to:
Everything mentioned in the other tiers, plus
a personal Resilience Recharge: a 1-on-1 video session with me, which can be to sort through and tackle a tough situation life is serving up or a guided meditation to reset energy and intention and clarity.
How to upgrade to paid? What are the levels? Details in the footnote!3
Many writers who use Substack4 monetize their writing by making some or all of their posts available only to paid subscribers. Of course I believe writers should be paid (that’s an understatement), but for what we talk about here, that model doesn’t feel right to me. I don’t write Fierce Resilience to be restrictive.
I’m writing this because I want to help as many people as possible remember:
1) that they are goddamn miracles (that’s YOU. You’re a freaking miracle!), and
2) that we really can get through hard times.
Let’s do it together.
PS - If you have any questions about the pricing or what the levels include, please reach out!
In in vitro fertilization, (IVF), when they move a fertilized embryo into the uterus for hopeful implantation, it’s called a “transfer.”
Subscription Levels: Monthly/Annual Subscribers = $5/monthly or $50 for the year. Founding Member Subscribers = $150/year.
1. Log into your Substack account at and click "Sign In".
2. Click on your profile icon and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to the Subscriptions section and click on "Edit" next to the publication you'd like to upgrade.
4. Click on "Upgrade to paid subscription".
5. Choose the paid plan you'd like to subscribe to and follow the prompts to complete your payment.
Substack is the platform that sends out this newsletter and also provides the backend for the podcast, and some other cool functionality.
Super exciting, Mary! 👏👏👏